Problems with recent Firefox security update

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Fri Jul 22 16:42:34 UTC 2005

On vr, 2005-07-22 at 16:54 +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Dear Hoary users,
> yesterday a security update for Mozilla Firefox was relased
> (USN-149-1). Many users seem to have problems with the new version, it
> crashes very often.
> The problem is that one of the security patches changed the API (the
> interface that extensions use to integrate with the browser), which
> breaks many extensions. Similar problems happen with the upstream
> release 1.0.6, so using that does not help very much.

Odd enough, downloads aren't handled good too, if a server sends a
"Content-disposition: attachment; filename=foo" header, mozilla does
nothing with the file, it gives no output at all.

I downgraded to ubuntu5.3 :)
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
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