Updates of Hoary

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Thu Jul 21 10:32:18 UTC 2005

On do, 2005-07-21 at 12:46 +0300, Stelian Iancu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just wanted to ask what exactly is the official policy of updates for
> Hoary? I can see that Mozilla released 2 new versions of Firefox, 1.0.5
> and 1.0.6, and none of them are in Ubuntu. And, as far as I could see,
> these are security updates. Does it just take a longer time? 

1.0.6 is in breezy already, a patched firefox has hit the archives for
hoary too today. Read the changelog to see why it takes so long: too
many errors and patches that re-introduce bugs.

Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings: http://www.ubuntulinux.org
  - Linux voor normale mensen: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl
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