Evolution Memory Consumption

ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY zamb at saudi.net.sa
Thu Jul 21 07:12:31 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 09:43 +1000, Gary Jarrel wrote:
> Hey All!
> Is it normal for Evolution to consume an odd 300Mb of memory
> approximately?
> I seem to have the following 4 processes:
> evolution ~125Mb
> evolution-alarm-notify ~69Mb
> evolution-data-server-1.2 ~81Mb
> evolution-exchange-storage ~32Mb
> Sounds a bit excessive or is it just me?
> Thanks, 
> Gary
These numbers include the "shared memory" which are shared between a
*lot* of other applications.

>From the above list, only the first is the application Evolution as we
know it.  The other process have other functionality related to
Evolution, GNOME, and Nautilus (and probably others).

So, don't worry, that's normal (even with other applications.  Though,
Evolution *is* larger than most other Linux applications I know of).

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