Nautilus as Root/Sudo

René L. Reingard reingard at
Wed Jul 20 18:58:03 UTC 2005

Am Wed, 20 Jul 2005 20:40:46 +0200 schrieb Vincent Trouilliez  
<vincent.trouilliez at>:

>> How can I run Nautilus without facing any file owner restrictions?
>> If I do in the shell ($ sudo nautilus) there are a lot of Error  
>> messages,
>> eventhough Nautilus itself shows up and seems to work.

> 'Sudo nautilus' is the way to do it, and I have never had problems with
> it. Maybe you should show us exactly (copy/paste) the error messages you
> get, just in case there is something important that needs taken care of.
> But I bet they are just harmless Gtk related messages, nothing to worry
> about.

Hi Vince
Thank you for the fast response.
You are from France, right?
That is the stuff I get to see if doing $ sudo nautilus

user at ubuntu:~ $ sudo nautilus
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice

--- Hash table keys for warning below:
--> file:///root
--> file:///

(nautilus:30338): Eel-WARNING **: "nautilus-metafile.c: metafiles" hash  
table still has 2 elements at quit time (keys above)

--- Hash table keys for warning below:
--> file:///root
--> file:///

(nautilus:30338): Eel-WARNING **: "nautilus-directory.c: directories" hash  
table still has 2 elements at quit time (keys above)
user at ubuntu:~ $

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