Matthew S-H mathbymath at
Wed Jul 20 18:46:05 UTC 2005

On Jul 20, 2005, at 2:28 PM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 14:20 -0400, Tim Holmes wrote:
>> Ok -- Im gonna sound like a real id1ot here, but who or what is  
>> Breezy
>> -- I keep seeing it referenced on the list, but I have no clue  
>> what it
>> is, and I haven't seen an explaination
> It is the "code name" of the development version of Ubuntu :o)
> The first Ubuntu version was named "Warty". The current version, which
> was released in April, is named "Hoary". The next version, which is
> being worked on, is named "BReezy".

I'm just gonna elaborate a bit more.
Warty is the "old" version of Ubuntu.  As Vince said, it was released  
a while ago, and it is quite outdated.
Hoary is the "current" version of Ubuntu.  It was released in April,  
so it is rather updated.  It is also quite stable and works pretty well.
Breezy is the "next" version of Ubuntu.  Breezy has newer, more  
updated stuff than Hoary.  However, it is still a work in progress  
and has not yet been thoroughly tested like Hoary, so it is quite  
unstable.  If you are not extremely familiar to Linux, and you don't  
have an extra machine to "toy around with", you probably should wait  
until Breezy is released to upgrade to it.  For many people, it won't  
even boot properly yet.

My reccomendation is that you stay with Hoary for the time being ---  
unless you are:
     •    daring
     •    a Linux guru
or •    rich/lucky enough to have an extra machine

Just me 2¢

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