rkhunter (rootkithunter) - 2

albi at scii.nl albi at scii.nl
Wed Jul 20 15:18:39 UTC 2005

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 15:00:30 +0200
René L. Reingard <reingard at hispeed.ch> wrote:

> rkhunter is telling me about the following two things:
> 1.) Scannning for hidden files -> WARNING!
> * /dev/.udev.tdb
> * /dev/.udevdb
> * /etc/.pwd.lock
> Question: You too have that outcome? As I have not changed default
> settings since upgrading to Hoary.

i get the same message here, looks like it's harmless

> 2.) Security Advisories -> WARNING!
> * gpg: unsafe ownership on /home/user/.gnupg/gpg.conf
> Question: How to understand that? I just set up gpg slightly, not
> making any own preferences.

normally i already do a chmod 700 /home/* during boot-up
also this looks pretty harmless

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