OT: Web Hosting

Nathan Blackham kemotahalist at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 11:45:19 UTC 2005

On 7/20/05, Lee Braiden <lee_b at digitalunleashed.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 July 2005 12:07, Nathan Blackham wrote:
> > I know this is off topic but I don't trust the internet for all my
> > information.  I am looking for a web hosting company.
> I have to wonder how you got from your first statement to your second ;)

Just do a search for any of the web hosting companies or just for web
hosting and there is no consensus.  Most times there is a clear
distinction of 2 or 3 companies in a given field that stand out above
the rest.

> > It is for a
> > personal site so I don't need much but I want it cheap.  Any
> > suggestions?
> ModWest(.com) are pretty good.  They've gone downhill a little recently, but
> not /too/ much and they're still probably better than a lot of others.

I will check them out.

> --
> Lee Braiden
> http://www.DigitalUnleashed.com

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