issues on setting up environment

Magnus Therning magnus at
Wed Jul 20 06:19:33 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 12:39:15PM +0800, Steve Torrefranca wrote:
>i was setting up our ubuntu test app server and i have j2sdk 1.5
>apt-getted and installed at /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/
>then i did export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/ from the command
>line and jboss ran smoothly.   but after i closed the terminal and
>opened a new one, JAVA_HOME was gone.
>So I added "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/" in /etc/profile
>and did source /etc/profile command.  checked it with echo $JAVA_HOME
>and it was again there.  but when i closed the terminal and open a new
>one (or even just opening a new tab) it was gone!  isnt it supposed to
>be there once you added it to profile or bash_rc?
>so, we call it windwz hang over, i rebooted and tried echo command
>again and it was still missing (with the export line in profile).
>tried at my ubuntu laptop, same behavior. 
>out of curiousity, and i hope no cats died, i tried it  with a debian
>machine but it was okay.
>am i missing or messing something?

Read up on what files are loaded when a bash shell is started (see the
man page for bash). You have two things to consider:

 1. Is it a login shell
 2. Is it interactive

This whole thing can be a bit confusing, but once you've got it you have
quite a bit of control over your shell's behaviour.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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The real work in an attack, at least an attack against a well-designed
cipher, is modifying the attack technique so that it works. Knudsen's
papers are an excellent example of this; he is a master at making an
attack work where others have failed. Differentials work where
characteristics don't. Truncated differentials work where normal
differentials don't. Even this year's exciting find, impossible
differentials, are simply another way at looking at a differential
attack. A cryptanalyst with a "menu" would have never found any of
those attacks, and would have broken far fewer ciphers.
      -- Bruce Schneier
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