Not Happy with ShipIt

ari.torhamo at ari.torhamo at
Tue Jul 19 22:53:40 UTC 2005

Of course people expect promises to be fulfilled, even when they are 
promised something for free. And it's not like Al said that Ubuntu is a 
failure, nor that ShipIt program is a failure. He's just worried about 
making a succesfull installfest and being able to give out the CDs 
people are waiting from him.

On the other hand it's nice to see people defending Ubuntu so 
uncondinationally and often with anything they can get their hands on 
;-) , but I don't think it benefits Ubuntu to try to reject constructive 
and well-founded criticism. Well-founded critisism is rather one of the 
things that's needed to get things better. Canonical and the developers 
are doing 97% excellent job and I'm sure they are just happy when 
someone helps them track down that remaining 3% :-)


Ari Torhamo

P.S. If I remember right, I got my CDs in little more than two weeks - 
very fast anyway (I'm not at my own machine now and can't check the 
exact time)

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