Ubuntu Hoary - Upgrade to latest subversion release

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Tue Jul 19 13:31:22 UTC 2005

On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 09:25:33AM -0400, Gregory PiƱero wrote:
> Sorry to bug you, Stephen and Ubuntu group, but I'm going to do a
> reinstall in a couple days.  So to get the latest release of
> Subversion I follow your previous instructions, but then is it ok to
> undo those changes to my sources.list?

That would be a bad idea, I think. I can't quite think of
what would be so terrible about doing that, but I suspect
the outcome is bad; I myself wouldn't do it. If I were you,
I'd just leave both the Breezy and Hoary sources in there.

Now, you may be able to do some kind of pinning, which means
that you'd specify that only Subversion should come from
Breezy and everything else should come from Hoary. See
apt_preferences(5). I know very little about pinning, so I
don't feel qualified to tell you about it; I'm sure others
on here do, though.

> What kind of upgrade breaks Xorg anyway?  I guess that's the point of
> this Breezy system?

One of the big features in Breezy is X.org, but I don't
think you actually *have* to run X.org. I suspect you could
run Breezy and still run the (more stable, but
quickly-becoming-obsolete) XFree86. You'd install
xserver-xfree86 rather than xserver-xorg. There may be other
changes, but that's probably it.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at laniels.org
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key
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