spyware in ubuntu?

Charles Mauch cmauch at taclug.org
Tue Jul 19 06:50:41 UTC 2005

Greetings from Tacoma, WA, USA, home of the future Tacoma Spire, Senectus!
On Tuesday, July 19, in the 2005th year of our Lord, you wrote:

> I would expect that the usual "cookie" form of spy ware is still a 
> problem.. but you have full control of your browser and OS here, so 
> you can set the rules for cookies as you wish.

There is an old trick you can use with cookies and any unix box.  Simply cd
into ~/.mozilla/firefox/***.default (your profile) and do this:

ln -sf /dev/null ./cookies.txt

Now you can accept all cookies without bothing to set any protection at
all, and as soon as your browser accepts one - it's routed into nothing.
I find that cookies are useless if you keep your password management up to
date anyway.

Take it easy, [cmauch at taclug.org]

Charles Mauch, FSF Apologist, Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo user, etc.
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