Possibly-related video problems

ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY zamb at saudi.net.sa
Tue Jul 19 05:58:22 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 00:13 -0400, Ben Novack wrote:
> My xvinfo output's the same as yours; I made the edit to totem_config
> to no avail. I still have heavy pixelation that I don't see on the Mac
> sitting next to my Ubuntu machine. VLC is fine, but has no sound.
> xfmedia looks good, but it's unacceptably short on features; I can't
> deinterlace. I wouldn't have a strong objection to VLC if I could get
> it to output any sound, but I'd rather just get totem looking nice.
> ---Ben
Does this happens with *all* movies or just some?

Also, in Totem make sure de-interlace is turned *off* and try again (it
distort the view when using de-interlacing with material that doesn't
need it).

To turn de-interlace off in Totem:  From the "View" main menu un-check

Personally, this is all I could help with.  I use "MPlayer" as my media
player and rarely use "Totem", "Xine", or "VLC" (I don't even know what
"xfmedia" is!).

Sorry.  Maybe someone else in this list with more experience in
Totem/Xine can help.

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