Not Happy with ShipIt

volvoguy volvoguy at
Tue Jul 19 02:28:13 UTC 2005

On 7/18/05, Al Gordon <runlevel7 at> wrote:

> Has anyone other than me not received their Hoary CDs yet?  I'm
> starting to give up hope on this one particular aspect of Ubuntu
> Linux.

I thought I had heard that if you ordered Warty CDs that you'd
automagically be shipped Hoary CDs. If that was indeed the case, I
haven't received any yet. If it wasn't the case, I can't really
complain as I have a broadband connection and have been hosting the
torrents for as long as I can remember. Expecting a shipment of 100 to
give out at a LUG is a different story though. I don't think I'd want
to put that many hours on my burner.

One thought (that may or may not be practical) is to see if any local
colleges have bulk duplication machines. I know of at least one in my
area that I'm sure would let me burn a bunch of discs if I supplied
the media.


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