[ Warty ] Needs a copy of few icons...

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Mon Jul 18 10:26:51 UTC 2005

I hope that someone is still using Warty, and could help me here...
In Hoary (and now Breezy) the "desktop" icon, has been changed. You
know, the one(s) that you see everywhere in Nautilus, or in file chose
dialog, or the "show desktop" icon in the bottom panel, that kind of
thing. I much prefer the ones in Warty, which look flatter and cleaner
to me.

I ran 'locate *desktop*.png' in Breezy, and after checking all the
results, I think that relevant icons are :


and also (although less important, as you don't get see them as often as
the others), these maybe :


Could someone with Warty, e-mail a copy of these icons please ? I hope
that the paths were the same in Warty...

If nobody runs Warty anymore, then maybe someone knows where on the web
I could get hold of these icons ?

Thank you very much in advance ! :o)



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