Learning Python

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at cbn.net.id
Mon Jul 18 05:20:24 UTC 2005

On Monday 18 July 2005 12:02, thephotoman wrote:
> I'm quite interested in learning how to program in Python.  I have very
> little experience with programming.  What would be the best set of
> resources for a beginner like myself to learn the language (books,
> websites, available classes, etc.)?
> Thanks!

I'm learning it too. 

Please let me know if you want the PDF.
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | http://linux2.arinet.org
Ubuntu Hoary 5.0.4
public key: https://www.arinet.org/fajar-pub.key

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