Ubuntu "Lite" :)

Chanchao custom at freenet.de
Mon Jul 18 04:27:19 UTC 2005

Hello Colin,

Sunday, July 17, 2005, 12:25:02 PM, you wrote:

CM> Ok the cats is out of the bag.
CM> www.ubuntulite.org

Nice!!!  Thanks very much, I'll definitely give it a try!

Also noticed the 'kiosk' talk.. That might be very suitable as well.
Is LiveKiosk currently the best thing if you just want to run Firefox
on a public PC ?

CM> The current downloadable version uses icewm ,rox-filer , firefox, gaim,
CM> etc.

Cool.. I already read the message with the request for a Live-CD.. I
know it's a lot of work putting that together in a reliable way, but..
any ideas on priority or when this may become a reality? Especially
for a 'lite' version on a public computer a live CD sounds perfect:
Absolutely no way people can mess it up. :) And very low risk; no need
to wipe everything clean, and people can use it for a while before
perhaps moving to a full install.

But I will give the current version a try.. I have another computer
somehwere that would be just perfect for it.


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