iPod Mini

Matt Patterson matt at v8zman.com
Sun Jul 17 23:57:19 UTC 2005

I know it can work fine in other machines, the only common thread 
appears to be a fast interface and ubuntu. I have tired 2 different usb 
2.0 cards, and the firewire the comes with my ibook (running ubuntu). 
The unit works fine on windows boxes (using one of the usb 2.0 cards 
that didnt work in ubuntu) but will only connect for a short period of 
time to an ubuntu box. If I connect the unit using usb 1.1 to an ubuntu 
box it works just fine.

The problem is baffling me.


zer0halo wrote:

>I'm sorr that I don't have any ideas. My iPod Mini works fine via  a
>USB port. Have you tried it on another machine to see if the problem
>might be the unit itself or cable? Do other external devices work fine
>in the same USB port?
>On 7/17/05, Matt Patterson <matt at v8zman.com> wrote:
>>I have an ipod mini, and it has been nothing but a horrendous mess to
>>get working with ubuntu. It works ok as long as I connect it to a usb
>>1.1 port. If I connect it to firewire or usb 2.0, it connects, and then
>>stops responding after a minute or two. There are normally read/write
>>timeout errors in dmesg.
>>Anybody got any ideas?
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