Ubuntu "Lite" :)

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at imapmail.org
Sun Jul 17 08:38:42 UTC 2005

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Sascha Morr">
>>interesting idea! Why not using epyphany, kazehakase or galeon as your
>>webbrowser? They are much more lightwight den Firefox and also fits better
>>to low end systems?
> Any of the browsers that use gecko for rendering (such as Epiphany and
> Galeon) are not substantially or usefully lighter than Firefox. They may
> *feel* a little bit faster in some cases, but there's a greater benefit
> choosing a browser that everyone recognises.
> - Jeff


It's light, it's fast.  Just a bit on the graphics-challenged side :)

Daniel Robitaille

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