Right ALT key doesn't work

Lee Braiden lee_b at digitalunleashed.com
Sat Jul 16 08:59:13 UTC 2005

On Saturday 16 July 2005 08:25, Jeff Co wrote:
> Is this a normal thing with Ubuntu, or is my keyboard busted? How can I
> test out if my Right ALT key is physically okay?

Open up a terminal, and run xev.  A window will come up.  Press the right alt 
key, and watch the terminal for the keycode and what it's mapped to.  The 
output is hard to understand, and you may have to press the key quite a lot 
to tell it from the other xevents that are being shown at the same time, but 
it's a useful tool :)

p.s.: if you can't remap keys from the control panel, you can do it in 
your .xsession file using xmodmap, which accepts the codes from xev along 
with xkeysym names for the function you want the key to perform.

Lee Braiden
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