En: kde or Gnome

Renato Henriques repehe at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 14 13:17:01 UTC 2005

I do not have KDE at all because the ubuntu distro I have installs Gnome only by default. I don't recall having been asked which environment I prefered. So should I download another ISO distro with KDE. Any links to get to it?

hagen van rissenbeck <news4didascali at gmx.net> escreveu:

> Hi folks.

Hi, Renato,

> The default installer for ubuntu installs GNOME. I rather deal
> with KDE. If I download the KDE environment through synaptic how do I switch
> from one environment to another.

Before you start the session, you are able to change between kde and gnome.

> How do I set up the default environment?

When you are starting the kde-session, you will be asked by gdm (the 
gnome display manager) if KDE should become your standard desktop 


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Renato Henriques 

msn:renato4010591 at hotmail.com 

Yahoo! Acesso Grátis: Internet rápida e grátis. Instale o discador agora!
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