Upgrading to breezy from Hoary?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 06:45:22 UTC 2005

Henning Kilset Pedersen wrote:
> Hello.
> I downloaded the Breezy daily build yesterday, and am currently running 
> Hoary.
> I was a bit surprised to see that there is no upgrade option in the 
> installer program. Is there a way to upgrade from hoary to breezy that 
> is non-destructive? Can I just substitute the sources in sources.list 
> with breezy sources, close my eyes and type
>    # sudo apt get upgrade
> ??
> Or is there some other way I'm not familiar with?

apt-get  dist-upgrade

is probably a better option to get a complete upgrade.  But Breezy is still a 
while away from its release so the upgrade may or may not work properly, 
especially on some days.

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