Ubuntu SETI at home Team

BB ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Jul 13 00:41:19 UTC 2005

Shawn Christopher Wrote: 
> I also prefer FAH. It says there is already a team however what or where
> can I find the team number? Do you know who the leader of the team is? 
> I'm more than welcome to do a webpage for us.
> Shawn

At the moment I am running the FAH team. The team number is *45399
Team Page is: http://tinyurl.com/cv2ey

I haven't found the time to pull together a page for the team, but
anyone who is well knowledged in that area can be willing to do that :)

The team page from FAH is all we have at the moment , but hopefully
we'll see something pop-up in the next month or so on a real team page
for Ubuntu Forums FAH team.


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