Setting up Python for CGI

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Tue Jul 12 18:03:05 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 12 Jul 2005 18:44, Gregory PiƱero wrote:
> I tried what you said and it got my Apache running and it now executes
> the python files.  What should the permission level of my python
> filles be?  Right now they are 755.

That depends on a few things, I'm afraid.  You'll probably want it to be 
editable as you, but runnable as the webserver, so you could set it to be 
owned by yourusername:www-data, and then make it readable,writeable and 
executable for yourself, and readable and executable for the www-data group.  
But if you're running the CGI from a home folder, or if you mostly just want 
to set this up as an root and not have user-level maintenance of it, it would 
be different.

Lee Braiden
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