Installing software in user friendly way

albi at albi at
Tue Jul 12 12:33:34 UTC 2005

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:14:59 +0200
Henning Kilset Pedersen <henning at> wrote:

> > > 1) You almost never need to compile source code.
> > > 2) You almost never need to install a package using tar and
> > >    gzip.
> > 
> > Agreed.  Also, if you DO want to install from source, there are
> > debian-/ubunu-  specific ways of doing it so that the system still
> > understands what you've  done.  make install is harmful.
> Yes, it is. Can you elaborate more on those specific ways of doing
> things? Is synaptic able to handle this somehow, for instance?

if you have src-deb lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list, e.g. :

sudo apt-get update 
(depending on the last time you did apt-get update) 

sudo apt-get build-dep bc 
sudo apt-get -b source bc
sudo dpkg -i bc*deb

perhaps a script like this can make it a little easier :


sudo apt-get build-dep $1
sudo apt-get -b source $1
sudo dpkg -i $1*deb

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