Installing software in user friendly way

Stephen R Laniel steve at
Tue Jul 12 11:46:21 UTC 2005

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 01:38:25PM +0200, Henning Kilset Pedersen wrote:
> That explains quite a lot about my own problems. So all members of the
> admin group essentially have full root privileges as long as they type
> sudo infront of anything?? 

There's no admin group. OS X has an admin group, but Linux
does not. (It probably should, actually. Another topic for
another time.)

When you install Ubuntu, you are added to the /etc/sudoers
file -- which means you can now run 'sudo commandName'.
Since you're now in that file, you can now run 'sudo visudo'
and add other people to the list of sudoers. All and only
those people in /etc/sudoers have root privileges.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at
+(617) 308-5571
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