Ubuntu Engineer certification

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 08:02:43 UTC 2005

On 7/11/05, Adi Attar <adi at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some of us at Ubuntu are currently working on an engineer certification
> programme, a system administration type certification, based on the LPI
> certification.
> We are still in the early stages of the project, where we are trying to define
> exactly what tasks an Ubuntu certified engineer should be able to do. The
> success of the project depends on getting this part right, and we are calling
> for as much public input as possible.
> If you are someone who administers your own Ubuntu machine, then you no doubt
> have something to contribute. We are looking for input not only from Ubuntu
> users but also from potential employers, so if you employ Ubuntu people, or
> know someone who does, please ask them to participate as well!
> Please add your ideas to the wiki at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EngineerCertification. The hows and whys of this
> project are also explained there.
> Looking forward to your participation.
Cool :-) will be adding input into this with much vigor as I'm
currently studding for my NCLP (Novell Certified Linux Professional)
with Suse 9.

Do you think it's worth doing a certification for "Help Desk" staff?
IE; so that ISP's can employ Help Desk staff of whom can support end
user troubleshooting.. (Internet connectivity, hardware misbehaviour

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