Is it possible to run Ubuntu as Shared OS (Multiprocessing)?

Magnus Therning magnus at
Sun Jul 10 19:01:03 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 08:27:04PM +0200, Rainer Gutkas wrote:
>So what I mean by running as shared OS I wanna know if it's possible to
>run Ubuntu in a way that Calculations are shared between Systems in the
>network.  There's a distribution, which is aimed for Multimedia called
>dyne.bolic, which claims itself to use Multiprocessing. The kernel
>should do the job, if I understood them right.
>So from my knowledge an aplication needs to be written for
>multiprocessing, but maybe my information is outdated, its a long time
>since I had my Lectures in technical computer sience.....
>So if this is possible, it would be great. In the moment I'm running
>one pc, and 2 powerpc maschines. With some luck I get an old sun is
>some time,...., It would be great if these maschines could share their
>power, so I guess each maschine has it's advantages for some tasks!
>Thanks for your Answers,

Do you mean clustering?

It might be worth taking a look at Beowulf[1] and Mosix[2]. I have
absolutely no experience with either, so don't know if they work with
Ubuntu (or even how they are related to distros in general).

Any particular task you want to parallelise?



Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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