Is it possible to run Ubuntu as Shared OS (Multiprocessing)?

Rainer Gutkas Rainer.Gutkas at
Sun Jul 10 18:27:04 UTC 2005

So what I mean by running as shared OS I wanna know if it's possible to 
run Ubuntu in a way that Calculations are shared between Systems in the 
There's a distribution, which is aimed for Multimedia called dyne.bolic, 
which claims itself to use Multiprocessing. The kernel should do the 
job, if I understood them right.
So from my knowledge an aplication needs to be written for 
multiprocessing, but maybe my information is outdated, its a long time 
since I had my Lectures in technical computer sience.....

So if this is possible, it would be great. In the moment I'm running one 
pc, and 2 powerpc maschines. With some luck I get an old sun is some 
It would be great if these maschines could share their power, so I guess 
each maschine has it's advantages for some tasks!

Thanks for your Answers,

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