OT: Looking for software recommendations

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Sat Jul 9 10:18:33 UTC 2005

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 02:03:08PM -0400, m-yg at emailias.com wrote:
>Sorry about that...
>Magnus Therning (magnus at therning.org) (Emailias: REPLY-MASKED) wrote:
>>On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 02:27:55AM -0400, amigian wrote:
>>>I am looking for a good and reliable password manager. I have tried a
>>>few and either didn't work at all or were too buggy to be reliable. Can
>>>anyone recommend a good password manager please?
>>>I am also looking for a bookmark manager. Any recommendations here also
>>>would help.
>>Some more information would be nice.
>>Would the password manager mostly be used for storing web site
>>passwords, or are you going to input other information as well (e.g. PIN
>>for you bank cards)?
>Yes. It would be used mostly for website passwords. However if it had
>extra functionality i would not be opposed to that.

If you are looking for a X-platform solution then I only know of
Password Gorilla[1].

>>I am assuming you are using more than one web browser and want to
>>synchronise bookmarks between them, right? What web browsers are you
>More than one browser is correct. I design websites and test them in
>various browsers. i.e. IE, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla,...

Hmm, I don't know any solution for that. X-browser _and_ X-platform
bookmark manager. It'd is a cool idea. I wonder if you can plug in a
module that replaces the bookmark manager in Firefox. If the plugin can
read the bookmarks from the net, and save them there as well, then you
have a solution. (Kind of like a _really_ cool interface to del.icio.us


1. http://www.fpx.de/fp/Software/Gorilla/

Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at therning.org

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