hoary: crafty
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sat Jul 9 04:43:23 UTC 2005
Thanks for the info. on Knights; will definitely have to check that
I'm finding that I can hang in there with Crafty under the following
very limited conditions: 1) I'm playing an opening I'm really familiar
with; 2) I get one takeback; and 3) I only give Crafty 1 second per
move. Anything less than that and it generally kills me. But, hey, I
may as well brag about the one game I've gotten from it so far (and
save a record of it just in case Crafty crashes):
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 a6 6 Bg5 e6 7 f4 Be7 8 Qf3
Qc7 9 0-0-0 Nbd7 10 Be2 b5 11 Kb1 b4 12 e5 Bb7 13 Qg3 dxe5 14 fxe5 bxc3
15 exf6 Qxg3 16 hxg3 gxf6 17 Bh6 Bxg2 18 Rhg1 Be4 19 bxc3 Rb8# 20 Ka1
Ba3 21 Bxa6 Bb2# 22 Kb1 Bxc3# 23 Nb3 Ke7 24 Bd2 Be5 25 Bf4 Nc5 26 Bxe5
fxe5 27 Rge1 Bd5 28 Bd3 e4 29 Bf1 Na4 30 Rd4 Nc3# 31 Kb2 Rhc8 32 Re3
Nb5 33 Bxb5 Rxb5 34 a4 Rb7 35 Rd2 Rcb8 36 Ka3 f5 37 Rd1 Rc7 38 Rd2 Rbc8
39 Kb2 Kf6 40 Rh2 Kg5 41 Rf2 h5 42 a5 Ra8 43 Ka3 Bxb3 44 cxb3 Rxa5# 45
Kb2 Rd5 46 Rfe2 Kg4 47 Ka3 Rd3 48 Rxd3 exd3 49 Rxe6 Rd7 50 Re1 d2 51
Rd1Kxg3 52 Ka4 f4 53 Ka3 f3 54 Kb4 f2 and finally 55 Crafty Resigns.
We won't talk about all the other games. ;-)
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