Install Hoary ppc on Wallstreet (oldworld mac)?

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Fri Jul 8 15:55:46 UTC 2005

On 7/8/05, Rainer Gutkas <Rainer.Gutkas at> wrote:
> I have sarge on the wallstreet in the moment, so it was no problem to
> set it up using bootx. Becasue of very low diskspace I'd like to switch
> to miboot.
> It's no problem if the wallstreet runs warty. The display is broken, so
> I wanna setup this notebook as my main server. It doesn't need much
> energy to run, is a good and stable maschine. And it got only 2 Gigs of
> Harddiskspace, but a SCSI Connector. The thing why I wanna run Ubuntu on
> it is because the console is so well set up.
> I would like to insall warty, but as I don't have a warty CD it's kind
> of a problem.

I believe Warty should still be available as a download. (I may have a
commercially produced copy around somewhere, but I shouldn't promise
it because I tried my best to give them all away before Hoary came

I think you will be much happier if you use a bigger drive. I long ago
replaced the 4 Gig drive that came with my Wallstreet with a 20 Gig
Fujitsu, and now even the 20 Gig drives are very reasonably priced.
The 20 Gig also seems to run cooler and is much quieter. You mentioned
SCSI, so if you intend to add an external drive you could use the 2
Gig just for booting.

You'll probably be successful getting it going with Warty, which does
configure the machine very nicely. Maybe not perfectly... in fact I
worry that the default power management settings might be a strain on
the notebook hard drive -- it doesn't ever get a chance to spin down.
So I need to refresh my memory regarding how to change those... and
now that I've upgraded to Hoary, I believe the power management
utilities are somewhat newer than the ones in Debian Sarge.

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