René L. Reingard reingard at hispeed.ch
Fri Jul 8 14:21:43 UTC 2005

>         "wipe" does *NOT* work with "journal" file-systems (like ext3,
>         reiserfs, xfs, and jfs to name a few) when the journal
>         capability is turned-on!  So be warned!


i read man-page of Wipe. my technical english is not so well, frankly  
so i don't get it straight. what is Wipe finally capable doing?
file system here is EXT3, and i did not change any settings so far on  
EXT3. no idea of how to do that anyway, haha.
if doing the wiping of a file, Wipe does its job without telling anything  
regarding journaling filesystem, and related problems.
and there is also no error occuring.

the idea is still, that i have a possibility to delete/erase any file i  
want without the possibilty of any recovery/un-delete.
what is the solution here (in Linux / Ubuntu)?

thanks for talking on that,

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