help in setting JAVA_HOME enviorment

ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY zamb at
Fri Jul 8 07:49:20 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-08 at 12:03 +0500, Mustafa Abbasi wrote:
> i think i might know the issue.
> does java_hom refer to the JDK.
> i did install free java sdk using synaptic but it does not work.
> will i need to buy JDK
No.  Just follow the instructions at:
and you'll end with a package named something like:
(the above is the package I ended up with).

Install that package and it should work with all your Java™ needs
(including developing Java applications).

(You might need to install the Java plug-in for Firefox manually.)
If that didn't work, just re-post here.

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