GRUB Reinstall

gm c gm_c2 at
Thu Jul 7 20:30:49 UTC 2005

I have a similar but different problem. My laptop has xp home on it.
I installed linux on logical partition. I added a primary for "/boot"
to put /grub on. looks like

hda2   1 -     572    xp restore partition    
hda3   573-    635    "/boot/grub"
hda1   636-    3591   xp ntfs

hda5   3592-   3653   lin swap
hda6   3654-   4139   linux ext2
yes, the MBR is on hda2 not hda1

With a live cd I can make hda3 active only--reboot and computer
(gateway) will boot straight into xp. I check with live cd and cfdisk
and both hda3 and hda1 are active...???
How do I get computer to use hda3 to boot??
Is bios controlling where computer boots?

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