Kernel source code IPW2200 compile

James Gray james at
Thu Jul 7 08:00:47 UTC 2005

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 03:09 pm, Ed Fletcher wrote:
> Mike wrote:
> | Hi again guys
> |
> | I received advice from Ante recently where he suggested to get the
> | latest 1.4 version of the IPW2200 drivers and compile and install it.
> |
> | I can't compile it assuming the problem is that I don't have the kernel
> | source code loaded?? If I do an apt-cache search kernel-source it only
> | lists 2.4 kernels??
> |
> | Do I need to add another repository??
> Nope.  Look for linux-image or linux-source instead of kernel.  They
> changed the name when the v2.6 kernel came out.  Don't know why.
> Ed

Hi Ed,

Don't quote me on this, but I think the idea was tie the "identity" of Linux 
to the kernel, rather than the distribution.  Linux==kernel, not Linux=distro 
then kernel==part-of-distro.  Whilst the latter is (strictly speaking) true, 
the former isn't.

I vaguely remember reading something on the kerneltrap list about this....or 
that could be the red wine talking ;)


I will never lie to you.
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