Voice recognition software

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Wed Jul 6 12:06:02 UTC 2005

Brian Astill wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:00 am, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
>>Dougie wrote:
>>>After a little searching, I came up with somethings that may point you
>>>in a good direction:
>>these pointers are dead ends.  ViaVoice for Linux has been withdrawn
>>from the market. 
> <snip>
> Yes, I had already googled that lot.  Not encouraging <sigh>.
> I found Dragon Naturally Speaking, but like most Windoze-based apps, the 
> information given was basically "buy this and you are sure to like it".  :-( 
> Looks like there is _some_ text-to-voice stuff  (gnome and kde) - but that's 
> not what we want, is it?
> Roll on Star Trek facility!


well, like I said before there is really only two solutions unless one 
is really wealthy.  I don't know if there are many people here who can 
help either independently or as part of ubuntu.

I think the best solution to build from is a wine solution. 
Unfortunately, we would need to fix the installer problem for 
NaturallySpeaking or try to fix a registry problem with screen 
resolution keys missing for ViaVoice for Windows.  Then I think the next 
problem would be dealing with audio.  Then there are nice little things 
like python interfaces to the grammar engine for macro programming etc. etc.

part of the problem is that when you're handicapped you are really 
limited in terms of time and energy because it takes a lot out of you 
just driving, food preparing, etc. and most of us aren't wealthy enough 
to hire staff.  :-)

so, the best way to help is to pull together handicapped accessibility 
team and make everything work good enough to be able to close windows.


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