Is Ubuntu safe to try

Sean Quinn seandq at
Wed Jul 6 03:56:40 UTC 2005

Jim, another thing is that some users are using Breezy Badger, an 
experimental testing version of Ubuntu which isn't ready to be released yet. 
If you use Hoary Hedgehog, the last released version, you should be smooth 

On 7/5/05, Jim Cupit <jimc349 at> wrote:
> Alright, you all are scaring me. I know a little
> about Linux(Fedora 1), so I thought I'd try a
> different version (Ubuntu). After reading the users
> list for a while, it seems like it is a continuous
> wrestling match to get Ubuntu to do what you want it
> to. Is it safe for a relative newbie to try????? Or
> is it going to be too much frustration?
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Sean D. Quinn
seandq at
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