Is Ubuntu safe to try

Marek Pawinski pawinski at
Wed Jul 6 02:07:05 UTC 2005

Jim Cupit wrote:
> Alright, you all are scaring me.  I know a little
> about Linux(Fedora 1), so I thought I'd try a
> different version (Ubuntu).  After reading the users
> list for a while, it seems like it is a continuous
> wrestling match to get Ubuntu to do what you want it
> to.  Is it safe for a relative newbie to try????? Or
> is it going to be too much frustration?   
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Ubuntu is one of the easier distros to use. You slap in your CD or DVD 
and the install is real easy. Once installed ever package just about 
has a GUI to operate on so you don't have to use the command line if you 
don't want to. Give it a bash you will be pleasantly suprised.

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