Gnome menu's idiosyncrazy....

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Tue Jul 5 23:13:57 UTC 2005

> > 1) Sub-menu "responsiveness".
> > ------------------------------

> I noticed this for a long time now - maybe since gnome 2.2 or so, 

Ah, great, I am not totally crazy then, I can file this one too then...

> but that did never annoy me so much that I felt it was worth to file a bug about.
> So, yes, I have this exact behaviour, currently running hoary. Dunno what
> to do about, though.

Well, bugzilla is there to let users point out problems or emit wish
lists, both for trivial and critical matters, that's what the "severity"
filed in bugzilla is about. The job of the developers is to see what
they can do, investigate, and prioritize things...
Chances are, this bug is easy to fix, but has never been fixed because
nobody ever filed it ! And maybe it's the other way around. But what's
certain is that if nobody reports it, it will NEVER be fixed, even it's
(maybe) dead easy to repair !
If they can fix it, then great, Gnome will be that tiny little bit more
polished/smooth going/professional. 
If you don't ask... you don't get ! ;-)
Our duty is to report as many bugs as possible. One can't improve a
product if he doesn't have a complete and detailed picture of what's
right and what's wrong in the current state of things...

So this lead me to another "bug".... bugzilla should be made easier and
more friendly to normal users.  The easier, the more bug reports we will
get. There is already "bug buddy", but it's disabled, instead, it starts
a web browser with bugzilla's site.
One thing we could do, at least, is to change the looks of Ubuntu's
bugzilla, it's absolutely horrible and off-putting. Gnome's bugzilla is
so clean and pretty in comparison, we could do with something similar !
Well, at least that would be an interim solution until all bug reports
go to Malone (if I understand well).


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