Gnome menu's idiosyncrazy....

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Tue Jul 5 22:35:59 UTC 2005

> Vince, if you are not a writer you should start now. Someone who can 
> make a two page bug report entertaining without deviating from the 
> subject definitely has the talent :o)

Thanks Ari ! :-)
I am hardly a writer, but people who know me definitely complain that I
talk way too much ! ;o) "Can you unplug him please ?" "Where are the
batteries on this model, so I can remove them ?" "Where the hell did
they put the emergency cut-off switch on this thing ?!", things like
that... ;o)

> Now I'm deviating from the subject, but unfortunately I'm not at my 
> Ubuntu machine at the moment and can´t test the menus. Hopefully 
> someone else will.

I have confirmation for bug #2, so I can file it, but I am still waiting
for more feedback on #1...


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