How Ubuntu(liveCD) detect hardware

Trace Green jamesxuruo at
Tue Jul 5 01:32:55 UTC 2005

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:

>On ma, 2005-07-04 at 18:33 +0800, Trace Green wrote:
>>I am very instrested in how Ubuntu(liveCD) detect hardware. I tried to 
>>check the whole mail list, and just find some one told it is based on 
>>Does Ubuntu have any doc about how to detect hardware? I know Knoppix is 
>>based on kudzu, and it seems Morphix basd on knoppix.....
>The warty LiveCD is based on Morphix, the current version no longer is
>and afaik uses just hotplug for hardware detection.
Thanks very much!!
Does Ubuntu(liveCD) have any doc for describing how hotplug do hardware 
detection? i tried to find ubuntu-devel maillist but have no answer.
I think afaik(?) should modify hotplug script, because in knoppix, 
mophix, gnoppix, they also use hotplug, What's the diffierence?

Actually, i think Ubuntu's hardware detection is better than Knoppix.
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