gksudo potentially very insecure
Jack Jackson
jackson.linux at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 20:22:04 UTC 2005
As Robert Storey points out in his *excellent* reviews of Debian and
Xandros on DistroWatch, better safe than sorry:
"...[O]ne safety feature I always install out of habit are some aliases
that prevent me from accidentally wiping out files at the command line.
Some distros enable this by default, but Xandros (surprisingly for a
newbie distro) is not one of them.
"To do this, open up the hidden files in your home directory .bashrc and
.bash_profile add the following four lines:
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
set -o noclobber
"I performed the above surgery for all my user accounts, including root.
This is not to say that you absolutely must do this, but merely to
suggest that it would be a damn good idea.
"You have to log out and log back in for the new settings to take
effect. After this, when using the rm, cp, and mv commands you will be
prompted if your action will erase/overwrite a file. The last setting
(set -o noclobber) will prevent you from wiping a file with redirection
(that funny ">" symbol)."
By the way, Robert's a *great * writer and has excellent things to say
about distros in general:
Ante Karamatić wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-04 at 18:30 +0200, Wouter Stomp wrote:
>>The timeout setting is nice and handy, but I think it would be better
>>if you get asked for a password whenever you start a new program with
>>gksudo. The timout setting could still be useful when opening the same
>>program more than one time.
> You have a good point about gksudo. But making gksudo to ask password
> every time is even worse then not asking.
> Could it be possible to change color of the window? Or, even better,
> change the color of the 'window name bar'?
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