how do i add icons to application menu

Frederic Soulier frederic at
Mon Jul 4 13:52:27 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-07-04 at 17:44 +0500, Mustafa Abbasi wrote:
> i mean i install lots of programs but i can't seems to get their
> shortcut to appear on the applications menu.
> but when synaptic install something its shortcut appears instantly.
> any idea what directory i should install to.
> i usually just install to home

You can use the menu editor "smeg" as mention by a previous poster or
you can add a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/
Look at what's in there for examples.

Having said that I'm not sure if user defined entries should be in this
directory or somewhere else. 

Frederic Soulier <frederic at>

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