
Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Sun Jul 3 22:43:21 UTC 2005

On zo, 2005-07-03 at 15:52 -0600, Owen Marshall wrote:
> Hello,
> I seem to be having trouble reaching several of the ubuntu
> repositories. My 
> sources file at /etc/apt/sources.list looks exactly like the one at 
> since
> that 
> is the place from which I copied it. Could there be a problem with any
> of 
> the sites or is it more a problem on my end? How would I check that?

Ubuntuguige by default includes backports in the sources.list, which is
a Bad Thing and onw of my objections against that site.

A hoary sources.list with all and only official repositories can be
found at
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
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