Adult content (at-ubuntu-001)

Amichai Teumim amichai.teumim at
Sun Jul 3 08:04:05 UTC 2005

Ok Adult content has everything to do with Ubuntu. Ubuntu is planned to
be in schools, especially in communities with little  means. The
technological advancement that I understand Ubuntu is meant to bring is
not a bunch of third world kids jerking %^%%^ to Russian and American
porn stars.

The duration of this topic is proof in itself that it is an issue which
quite a few users are concerned about. So just labeling it as
"off-topic" "what has it got to do with Ubuntu?" is just brushing of an
important issue.

I can't understand how some of you showed concern that you won't be able
to access certain sites which are fun sites, but were considered
explicity by a content filter. So let my kid see the most hardcore porn,
(Which nowadays has no limit. Images of everything doing it with
everything.) but don't dare sacrifice my funny site. 

Personally I'd rather never laugh again then see my child go through the
shock I went thought when I first came across those sites. Whether you
are against or pro, it damages the soul.

And if Daddy is watching porn, so will the son. So all this talk about
protecting kids is futile if you're not willing to protect yourself.

Be well


P.S. I'll never forget when a senior in my school library was looking at
hardcore porn and all the little elementary kids could see all that he
was looking at. Everytime the libarian came by he minimized it. Then up
again. All these kids seeing everything, in the "safest" place. It's
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