Colony CD 2

Matt Galvin matt.t.galvin at
Fri Jul 1 22:34:47 UTC 2005

On 7/1/05, Matt Galvin <matt.t.galvin at> wrote:
> > This time round the Colony release does include a Live CD, although I'm
> > afraid that I haven't been able to test it at all due to personal time
> > constraints. Good luck! :-)
> I am downloading the live cd iso now and will test it out. I'll let
> you know how it goes.
> Matt

Overall, it's looking real good.

While booting I get a warning stating that eth0 can not be mapped
reliably. Not a big deal since eth0 came up and works anyway.

I had to choose which video driver to use. I chose ati, from there it
detect the rest of the video setting and worked as expected.

Why do we need to "Hit enter to activate this console"?

I used, xchat, firefox, open office, and a few other apps. They all
worked as expected :)

Synaptic feels is a good deal faster when searching for packages.
Althought this may just be b/c of the smaller package set since I
didn't enable universe.

When shutting down it looks like it is frozen. It goes to the con
after selecting shutdown in gnome. On the con, the old data from the
boot process is there, but no data is written to the screen about what
is shutting down. Since there is nothing new being shown on the con,
it looks as if it froze. After a few seconds it shuts down. So it
doens't freeze, it just looked that way. Do the shutdown messages get
written to a different con? Maybe thats why we don't see them? Is this
a first step in doing something else with those messages since we may
have a graphical boot process soon?

I only had time to use it for a few min, it still needs love, but it
worked and was usable :)

Great Job!!!


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