Adult content

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Fri Jul 1 21:43:20 UTC 2005

On vr, 2005-07-01 at 08:25 -0400, Jack Jackson wrote:
> Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> > Of course, but a proxy or block can (and will) help protecting against
> > accidental 'bad pages' such as porn popups that you see everywhere, or
> > the fact that almost all sites with 'fun' in the somain name seem to
> > have an assiciation with (soft) porn.
> The "fact"? Have you truly researched that statement? I mean, really! 

OK, all of them is of course overexaggerated, but a lot of them do. And
not only these domain names. Don't be nit-picky on details

> > Of course ethics and moral are better than technology for protecting
> > children, but I even use a squid myself to get rid of annoying (porn)
> > popups. So please don't judge people for being a little protective. The
> > internet, like the real world, can be an unfriendly environment.
> I'm not being judgemental in the slightest, I am pointing out that these 
> programs are ineffective and unreliable. If only because they make broad 
> generalizations to "protect" you.

Can you please do your research too, using good blocklists you can
prevent most unwanted, accidental visits to porn. I have 'implemented'
this for a lot of people with little children on both windows and linux

> You know, like, "Let's stop everyone from looking at domains with the 
> word 'fun' in them."
> Can we move on ... please?

Please do.
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor normale mensen:
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