the main problem of open source

Stephen R Laniel steve at
Fri Jul 1 15:43:09 UTC 2005

On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 08:37:40PM +0500, Mustafa Abbasi wrote:
> i was looking for a way to make a linux router.

Look into Sveasoft's stuff. There's also a totally cost-free
router distro whose name I can't remember. Google for
'linksys wrt54g', which is -- I believe -- the first Linksys
router based on Linux.

You'll also want to learn about iptables/ipchains. I
basically created a rudimentary Linux router the other day
on my laptop: I was upstairs with my laptop, and I also had
a desktop machine upstairs that I needed to get on the
network. But the desktop machine only had a wired
connection, and the nearest Ethernet port was downstairs. My
laptop has a wired and a wireless port, so I had the laptop
pick up a wireless signal from the router downstairs and
provide wired access to the desktop machine. Hence the
laptop served as a router. It takes just a few commands to
make it work.

Perhaps this guy's Linux router project died because it's

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at
+(617) 308-5571
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