the main problem of open source

Senectus . senectus at
Fri Jul 1 14:47:37 UTC 2005

On 7/1/05, Mustafa Abbasi <lordverminard at> wrote:
> read this
> News: 2003-06-22
>  LRP == R.I.P. (1997-2002) 
>  With great pain, I must now state:
>  The operating system that helped to create the embedded Linux marketplace,
> the Linux Router Project (LRP), is dead. 
>  this is just so sad.
>  this is probably the main problem of open source.
>  ppl don't get rewarded.

Man.. where did you go to dig that up.. it's OLD :-P
Check the forum/archives we've just had this discussion and in general
most people feel thats BS.
On a side subject, the LRP and other OSS died for many reasons but
because it's OSS the code is never wasted and therefore not created in

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