Adult content

Bob Parker bposs at
Fri Jul 1 12:07:28 UTC 2005

Amichai Teumim wrote:

>    DID YOU KNOW . . . 
> Pornography has become a
> $57 billion industry
> worldwide.
> It produces more revenue
> in the United States
> than the combined
> revenues of all
> professional football,
> baseball and basketball
> franchises or the
> combined revenues of
> ABC, CBS, and NBC.
> It robs the workplace of
> the time and talents of
> employees. 20% of men
> admit accessing
> pornography at work. 13%
> of women do so.

  > One in five children
> ages 10–17 has received
> a sexual solicitation
> over the Internet.

Sad that.

> Three million of the
> visitors to adult
> websites in September
> 2000 were age 17 or
> younger.
Most kids get interested in sex from 12-13 up, fortunately most 
nations have draconian penaltys for adults taking advantage of them.

> Sex is the number 1
> topic searched on the
> Internet.

Apart from the pedophile predators I find the above statistics very 
gratifying, seems that most folk have woken up the the religious 
maniacs at last.


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